Who We Serve

CareMaestro serves different types of health care organizations in different ways. What remains consistent is our ability to enable our clients to engage every patient cost efficiently and learn from their experiences.
We facilitate communication between the various disciplines involved in each patient’s care and provide our clients an extraordinary base of knowledge to improve the quality and value of care as well as the overall patient experience.

We understand the challenges that hospitals and health systems are facing today when providing effective transitional care. Our transitional care solution bridges the challenging gaps with post-acute care patient engagement, specifically with respect to staffing constraints, patient risk stratification and effective intervention. We extend your reach into patients’ homes, coach patients through their care plans and alert the right care provider to urgent issues that drive emergent care visits and hospital readmissions.

  • Reducing avoidable hospital and ED Readmissions
  • Increasing patient satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improving patient outcomes
  • Facilitating CMS regulation compliance
  • Improving Star ratings by measuring quality and outcomes
  • Optimizing staff efficiency and effectiveness

We recognize the major hurdles skilled nursing, sub-acute care and long term care facilities are facing with new regulatory and payment changes. Our transitional care solution helps facilities differentiate their services by coordinating care across the community – home health, physician and caregivers. We extend your reach into patients’ homes, coach patients through their care plans and alert the right provider to urgent issues that drive emergent care and acute hospital readmissions.

  • Reducing avoidable hospital and ED readmissions
  • Increasing patient satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improving patient outcomes
  • Gaining market share through patient loyalty and referrals
  • Ensuring accountability, consistency and quality in patient outreach
  • Preparing for risk sharing and value-based purchasing

We know that patient-centered care drives decision making at Accountable Care Organizations. CareMaestro’s transitional care and chronic care solutions helps ACOs achieve the “triple aim” of improving care, decreasing cost and improving outcomes for the entire patient population. Our combination of personalized care, persistent monitoring and reporting delivers actionable information enabling organizations to provide community-wide care coordination. Our services extend the role of care managers, to more effectively and efficiently drive better outcomes and meet quality benchmarks.

  • Reducing the incidence of unplanned and unnecessary utilization
  • Managing patient populations to lower costs
  • Increasing patient education, engagement and communication
  • Identifying patients at risk for emergent or urgent care
  • Providing a communication infrastructure that will quickly connect patients to the appropriate resource within your network

We realize that there are many uncertainties about issues from shifting payment models to new government mandates to ongoing battles over maintaining certification.  There is also an increasing demand for physicians to develop new models of care delivery that better guide patients and their families. CareMaestro’s transitional care and chronic care solutions generate relevant and actionable data and analytics to better manage patient populations and minimize or avert preventable adverse events such as emergency room visits or unplanned hospitalizations. We provide patients with the support they need to follow their recommended treatment plan.

  • Increasing patient satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improving patient outcomes
  • Managing patient populations proactively and efficiently
  • Reducing total cost of care
  • Supporting value-based care

Changes in healthcare financing will continue to challenge health plans and in particular Medicare Advantage Plans, forcing them to adapt their business models, improve their Star ratings and reduce risk. In this rapidly evolving and competitive environment, plans that innovate through remote care management programs to prevent serious health events, create care efficiencies, and foster trusting member relationships will succeed. CareMaestro’s transitional care and chronic care solutions enable Medicare Advantage plans to more effectively identify and manage their at risk membership.

  • Reducing utilization and total cost of care
  • Improving clinical outcomes
  • Increasing member satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improving CMS Star ratings
  • Gaining increased membership

We appreciate the rapidly evolving and profusely competitive home health environment. Significant changes in reimbursement and regulations will continue to challenge home health providers causing them to adapt their business models to reduce costs and improve clinical outcomes. The shift from expensive, acute care settings into the home puts an added burden on home health providers to manage higher risk patients with chronic, co-morbid conditions. CareMaestro’s transitional care and chronic care solutions close care gaps and optimize home visits, providing reliable alert management that will quickly connect patients to the appropriate team member within your agency.

  • Creating a unique and competitive value to your services
  • Extending your reach, managing high risk and chronic care patients more efficiently and effectively
  • Providing useful, qualitative and quantitative data to allow for immediate action to avoid unnecessary emergent visits or unplanned hospitalization
  • Improving clinical outcomes and patient experiences
  • Receiving actionable analytics to prepare for value-based partnering

We see the significant rise in the regulatory, economic and competitive landscape for home care providers. It becomes imperative to differentiate services and the overall quality of care while reducing costs and improving margins.   Increased demand for services and caregivers puts pressure on agencies to find ways to extend current caregiver resources while reducing cost of care. CareMaestro’s chronic care solutions are particularly beneficial in helping support the care of seniors that are living longer and experiencing multiple morbidities. Pro-actively managing geriatric health can substantially improve the quality of life for both the senior and the family. Our service is designed to support the management of excellent geriatric care over the long term, in the most cost effective manner possible.

  • Differentiating your agency by offering an increased breadth of services
  • Increasing client loyalty through improved quality of care
  • Reinforcing the patient’s understanding of their care plan and medications
  • Complimenting your care team with the knowledge and expertise of skilled professionals
  • Improving margins by adding a low cost, high value-added service
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